7. Bangalore


I don’t know if I was too harsh on her last night or that she deserved it. This morning when I woke up, she was sleeping with her eyes open and with a far fetched look on her face. I don’t know what or who she was thinking about.

I woke up and left to finish my daily activities and get ready for work. She joined us for breakfast at the dining table, eating her food silently. I couldn’t help but look at her. She looked lost and gloomy. She looked like she had lost a fair share of hope and life. As if she felt my gaze on her she looked at me.

Our eyes locked and just like usual, things around us faded away. I could always keep seeing that brown eyes of hers, that dusky face of hers that turns golden when the sun falls on her. But everything flashed in front of my eyes and I everted my gaze from her to my plate. Finishing my food and wiping my mouth, I left the table and headed to the door.

I heard a pair of footsteps following me, but I didn’t turn around knowing who it was. Reaching the garage, I unlocked my car door and turned to sit in when I saw her standing there and fidgeting with her fingers.

“What do you want?”

“I—I wanted to talk to you.” She spoke in the softest possible voice.

“About what?” I asked.

“About my studies.” She replied.

“What about it?”

“I have to go to Bangalore to attend a conference this Saturday, the day after tomorrow.” She spoke meekly.

“Go, who is stopping you?”

“Vi–Vikram, can you take me, please?”

“Why do you want me to take you?”


“Just say it will you? Or are you going to make me wait here all day?” I snapped and tears sprang in her eyes.

“Nothing Vikram. I am sorry for disturbing you.” Saying so she ran back into the house. I slammed the car door hard. I didn’t mean to be so rude at her, but well I did.

I again opened the car door and headed to the office to finish my work for today. If this is what she wants, then I must take her.

Work in the office was fun and hectic. This new hotel chain I was investing in was going to be a game changer. The new CEO and Chairperson Mr. Aryan Malhotra was a man of promise and words. The only issue was, he was eyeing my baby, something I did not approve of.

Well, now that that guy was out of my office, finishing the signatures on contract, I left for home. Ever since she called on the police and was waiting for me all night, I wanted to do that again and again to hurt her, but I was a better person than that.

We had our dinner together and left for our respective rooms. She followed me behind holding a jug of water. Gathering my breath and voice I turned to look at her. “Pack your bags, we will leave tomorrow afternoon.”

“Thank you Vikram.” I nodded at her words and dropped on the bed to sleep.

I could feel her looking at me, boring holes in my back, but I decided to ignore her for now.


He said he would take me. I wanted to do a happy dance in front of him to tell him how happy I was. But I decided to keep quiet and headed to bed and fell asleep beside him.

The next morning came all early. Vikram was still sleeping when I woke up. Today was the first time in the longest time I saw him sleeping. One hand behind his head and one on his chest, he looked damn nice. I wished I could run my fingers through his hair and kiss his sun kissed cheeks, but I decided to choose to stay silent and keep my hands to myself. Sighing I stepped down the bed and headed to finish my morning routine.

Vikram woke up and joined us downstairs for breakfast. “We will be leaving today in the evening. Be ready.” He spoke, looking at me, as I served him his plate. I nodded at him while his parents looked at us.

“Where are you going?” His mother asked us.

“She has a conference she has to attend in Bangalore. We will be there this weekend.” He spoke, taking a bite of his paratha.

“So, why do you have to go?” She asked and I froze in my place.

“She asked me to accompany her and I am going with her. Anything else?” He answered, completely bored of the conversation happening.

His mother chuckled before she began laughing wholeheartedly. The three of us looked at her and looked at each other before I looked down back at my plate.

“What happened now?” His dad asked her and she shook her head. Composing herself she spoke.

“She asks him one thing and he does it right away. What about him? He was all there with her, trying to get her back, trying to convince her to come back here, begging her everyday, why couldn’t she?” I didn’t know I was crying until three drops of tears fell down on my plate and my vision turned blurry.

“Maa..” I wanted to explain myself.

“I am not her and I cannot be like that.” He was looking at me and I could sense that. “She wants something and I am going to give her that.”

“What about what you want?” His mom asked back.

“I don’t know and I think I don’t what I want matters anyway. I shall be back by afternoon. Dad, please ask Karan to get the plane ready by 5.” Saying so, he left, leaving me alone to my thoughts and tears.

“Why are you even here? What do you want now? Wasn’t it enough to destroy our lives, his life, what do you want now?” She asked and I didn’t have anything to defend myself with.

“Maa, I didn’t mean to..”

“Oh just shut up will you. Didn’t mean to, didn’t do this and all. The only reason you are here in this house is because my son didn’t throw you out like your brother did to my daughter. Once he does that, I just don’t wish to see you ever again.” She stood up and walked away, leaving me a sobbing mess.

I ran to our room and threw myself on the bed.

“Why me? I didn't mean to do anything like this. Why am I suffering like this? I didn’t mean to do anything like this. I didn’t mean to suffer like this, but why?” I know no matter how many tears I shed, I can never get back to what we were once.

The evening was a silent affair until we boarded the plane.

“Vi–Vikram.” I called out that he was busy typing something on his phone. Why the hell do I stutter his name?

He looked up from the phone and his gaze met mine. He looked at me expectantly waiting for me to continue.

Taking a deep breath I continued. “Vikram. Did you not want to go with me?” I asked, my voice barely audible to me.

“I am here with you. What does that say?”

“Are you just here because I asked you to?” I asked, treading carefully.

“I cannot be here if you didn’t inform me about this.” He retorted, sarcasm coating his words.

That shut me up. I didn’t know what to do. I just nodded and went back to looking outside the window while he went back to his phone.

We were given accommodation by the college for attending this conference, but the only problem was that they had a single bed not a double bed. Since it was already dark by the time we were here in Bangalore, thanks to it’s fucking traffic, the only option was to eat and sleep.

“Should I order something for us to eat?” I asked, pointing to the menu.

“You go ahead. I am going out, I might get late.” He told me and went to the bathroom probably to change and that already killed my appetite.

He went out leaving me all alone to myself and I just went to bed without eating me.


Here you go guys. Happy Reading. Love you sweet peas.

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