C1: Meera

“And with that this court declares that Ms. Meera Kashyap is innocent and is not guilty. Ms. Pri…” Everything else around me faded. I am innocent. That was all that mattered now. 

Everyone rose as the judge stood up and exited the room and I shook my hands with my lawyer. I gave him a soft smile and turned towards the entrance and walked out. My brother Veer was standing at the entrance, a small glean of tears shining in his eyes. I gave him a teary smile of my own before I walked into his embrace. He hugged me tight and close and I sank into his warm embrace, taking in his familiar smell and touch. As we pulled apart he wiped my tears with the pads of his thumbs. I chuckled before I reciprocated his actions. Placing his hands on my shoulders, he led me out of the court and to his car, which stood waiting at the entrance. People and press surrounded us trying to get a picture of me, but thanks to the double layer security my brother had gotten, they couldn’t get a proper image. He opened the backseat door for me and I slid in first and he followed suit and before I knew it we were off the place onto the road, heading home.

I walked up the small flight of stairs of the building that was now my home. Bhaiya pressed on the bell and in a few seconds the door opened revealing the face that hated me the most.

“What is she doing here?” My mother did not even try to hide her anger and hatred.

“This is her home.” My brother led me in and I walked in and I picked up my crying baby. My world.

“Her home?” I heard my mother’s shock as she repeated. “An–And Aditya?” She asked my brother. I walked into my bedroom and shut the door softly. I quickly removed my kurti and unhooked my bra and lifted my son into my embrace. I sat on the bed, leaning my head against the headrest. My son snuggled into my chest sucking on my nipple, his cries now as soft sobs. I let out a sigh and I could feel myself getting teary again. Everything flashed in front of me. Those accusations, my pregnancy, being abandoned, almost losing our lives, everything. I closed my eyes and let my tears run free. 

I wiped my tears and looked at the angelic face of my son. He is the reason I am alive today, my baby, my life. I kissed his forehead and patted his tiny bum, making him let out a sigh of content. I could hear my brother and my parents arguing but it didn’t matter anymore to me. 

A knock resounded on the door and I pulled up a towel to cover myself. I answered a yes and my brother opened the door and peeked in. I smiled at him acting silly.

“Hey you okay?” He asked, as he leaned by the doorframe. I nodded as my son made weird noises hearing his favorite voice. He tried to peak up from the towel but failed. He threw his arms in the air letting out a whine and I knew it would only be time before he cried. 

“Can you give me a t-shirt?” I asked him and my brother went in to fetch one. I placed my son on the bed and covered myself. My brother threw the t-shirt on my face and picked up his nephew and walked out of the room, patting him on his back making him burp.

I quickly changed into the t-shirt and put on some tracks and walked out of the room. My brother was playing with Aditya, tickling him with his beard while my parents looked at them with a smile on their face. Hearing my footsteps, they turned towards me and their smiles fell. I ignored them and walked into the kitchen and made myself a plate of food. Sitting on the kitchen counter, I began eating my food avoiding the two burning eyes in my direction.

My parents did not talk until I finished my food and I was grateful for that. I would be pissed if I lost my appetite. After a long time I finally had peace, and hunger in my life and I would not let them steal that away from me.

“Meera beta..” My mom spoke, as I washed my plate. I closed the tap and looked at her. She looked tremendously guilty. She couldn’t even look me in the eye.

“Meera, we are leaving. If you need anything, call me. Bye baby.” My brother spoke seeing the silence and I nodded. My mother opened her mouth to protest but one look from my brother she shut her mouth and walked out, but not before giving me and Aditya a longing glance. My son definitely did not like his mama going away, but I patted him on my shoulders lulling him to sleep before he would exhaust himself from crying. 

Locking the door behind them, my son and I went back to our den, our bedroom and before we know both of us were out like a light.

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